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You may have seen a lot of teeth whitening ads at home, or seen a new color-changing product while browsing Facebook or Instagram.

You may have heard about Teeth whitening at the dentist's clinic.

No doubt you looked at your teeth and noticed they weren't as white as you wanted them to be. You might know how to "fix it," but do you know why the color changes and how to get rid of it?

What are the causes of tooth pigmentation?

There are many reasons for changing the color of the teeth, including: food, drink, smoking and particles in the teeth that cause tooth staining, one of which may be with age.

How to prevent tooth staining?

Easy to prevent tooth discoloration. Avoid certain foods and drinks that cause this problem.

If you are a smoker, quit smoking and you should take care of your dental health, including brushing twice a day.

Rinse your mouth with mouthwash and floss at least once a day,

Chew sugar-free gum between meals and consult your dentist at least twice a year

Foods that cause tooth discoloration?

Artificial foods and desserts are causes of tooth discoloration, such as: red spaghetti sauce, berries, cherries, berries, pomegranates, grapes, all of which can cause tooth discoloration.

Drinks dropping tooth stains?

Drinks with strong tinctures can affect your teeth, such as red wine, coffee, tea and even black soda. Eating too much every day can cause stains on your teeth and spoil your smile.

Did green tea stain your teeth?

According to the site, different tea colors can lead to tooth enamel corrosion,

It has been shown to cause tooth pigmentation - even white and green tea.

Does coal help get rid of tooth pigmentation?

No doubt you heard about the use of coal to whiten teeth and remove pigments because it is a natural product and has no side effects.

But the fact is that charcoal removes the outer layer of teeth because of its coarseness, which is important to prevent tooth decay and make teeth more susceptible to allergies.
